
D e s i g n - A r t w o r k - C o a t s . o f . A r m s - F l a g s

Bahnhofstr. 41- 45525 Hattingen - Germany - Tel. 00 49 - 23 24 - 2 12 75 - eMail



Graphics, Illustration

Picture Publishing

Family Coats of Arms


Coats of Arms

Publishers' Service

Copyright, Impressum


We want to advertise in a foreign language - can you help us?

Ofcourse. We not only work in German and English,
but can serve some other languages, too. - See below.

We need a Eastern European typeface...
Either we have one that complies to your needs, or we can supply one.

We have our own special typeface and need a Polish and a Russian variant of it.
We redesign your typeface into an Eastern European or a Russian typeface.
With all letters and cyphers you need - for Mac or Windows.

We need a Greek copywriter...
Give us your text and we'll have translated it.

Which languages do you serve?
We offer German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese,
Croat, Czech, Polish, Russian, Greek, Danish, Finish. Others on demand.

We need some special maps for an historical atlas...
Tell us what you need and give us a sample of a map already in print.
So we can supply you with new maps that correspond to your quality standard.

We want to publish a book in English and German, but only have a French manuscript...
No problem, we’ll translate it, or better: we’ll transfer it - as in many cases translation is not enough.

Our company logo is old and worn out. We want it to be redesigned but not altered...
We will give you some ideas, what can be done.

Our company wants to show flags. Do you design them?
Ofcourse we do.

You have some other questions?
Do not hesitate to mail. We reply immediately.
Mail to: change (at) to @

Copyright 2004: Ralf Stelter - Design - Artwork - Coats of Arms - Flags